K-Leads or maybe better called customer portal plugin. Anyway, the important thing is to be clear about what this plugin does.
This plugin allows your customers to have a portal where they can log in. On their portal, they can check their loan history, how much their remaining loan balance is or apply for a loan directly from here.
Here they can also upload necessary documents and update their profile.
If you have any further questions about this plugin, please do not hesitate to email us at support@softreliance.com
You may also need some of the plugins below:
- K-Loans - Advance Loan Calculator plugin (Buy here)
- K-Loans - Loan Products Plugin (Buy here)
- K-Loans platform version 2.1.9 or higher (Buy here)
Very easy to install, just follow the following steps:
1. Login to your softreliance marketplace account https://softreliance.com/marketplace. Then go to your My Account menu. There you will see a Downloads tab.
2. Download this item and save it to your local drive.
3. Access your K-Loans website, assuming you have already installed the K-Loans platform. From the left side menu, you will find plugins. Then you will see a browse button. Click on it and there will be a popup dialog where you need to locate the K-Loans Leads plugin you downloaded. And when you find it, click open and when you upload it successfully, this plugin will appear in the plugins list.
4. To be able to use this plugin you need to activate it by pressing the button with an icon Check mark. It will turn green if it is successfully activated.
5. If you have any problems with the installation, do not hesitate to contact our support at support@softreliance.com
That's all you need to do and you have successfully installed the K-Loans Leads :)